Verilog学习笔记 Created by Chen Lekai 2019/12/29
1 基本语法(可综合Part) 1.1 基本元件 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 input x1,x2,x3;output answer;and (answer,x1,x2,x3);or (answer,x1,~x2,x3);not (answer,x1);xor (answer, x1, x2);xnor (answer, x1, x2);
1.2 modeul 1 2 3 module modeulname(var1,var2);endmodule
1.3 assign 1 2 3 assign g=(x1&x2)|(~x3&x4);assign h=(~x1&x2)|(~x3&x4);assign f=g&h;
1.4 always 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 module xxx(x1,x2,s,f); input x1,x2,s; output f; reg f; always @(x1 or x2 or s) if (s==0 ) f=x1; else f=x2; endmodule
always的@后称为敏感事件列表 ,只要其中的任何一个变量改变,便会执行语句块内的内容,可以简化为如下形式:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 module xxx(x1,x2,s,f); input x1,x2,s; output reg f; always @(x1,x2,s) if (s==0 ) f=x1; else f=x2; endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 module xxx(x1,x2,s,f); input x1,x2,s; output reg f; always @* if (s==0 ) f=x1; else f=x2; endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 always @(posedge clk, negedge clear) if (clear) qout=0 ; else qout=in;
1.5 reg&wire reg 使用过程赋值语句,wire 使用连续赋值语句,reg 和wire 在赋值时实质上表现相同,只不过reg 只能在always 和initial 中赋值,而wire 只能被assign 连续赋值。即一个直接赋值,另一个需要条件 。
输入端口可以用wire/reg 驱动(连信号),但是输入端口只能是wire ;输出端口只能驱动wire ,但可以是wire/reg 。端口相当于元件的引脚,信号相当于连线,即一种数值容器。取值为0,1,X(不确定值),Z(高阻)。
reg 相当于储存单元,可以储存上一次的值,wire 相当于物理连线,需要持续驱动。
1.6 数组 1.6.1 一维数组和向量 reg [7:0] count 表示一个八维向量。reg count [7:0] 表示一个八位的一维数组。reg [7:0] count [3:0] 表示一个含有四个八维向量的数组。
1 2 3 reg [4 :0 ] count [8 :0 ];x1=count[1 ]; count[4 ]=x2;
1 2 3 4 5 module memory (); reg [7 :0 ] my_memory [0 :255 ]; initial $readmemh ("memory.list" , my_memory); endmodule
也可以用$readmemb函数,b代表二进制文件,h代表十六进制文件。$readmemh函数原型为$readmemh(“file_name”, mem_array, start_addr, stop_addr);
1.6.2 二维数组 二维数组声明:
1 reg [4 :0 ] count [8 :0 ] [8 :0 ];
1.7 =和<= “=”为阻塞赋值 ,“<=”为非阻塞赋值 。遵循以下使用原则:
时序逻辑一定用非阻塞赋值<=,一旦看到always 敏感列表中有posedge(or negedge,下同) 就用<=。组合逻辑一定用阻塞赋值=,一旦没有posedge ,或者看到assign ,就用=。虽然语法上支持你在always 里用=,或者在assign里用<=,但这是一种非常愚蠢的做法。
时序逻辑和组合逻辑分成不同模块,即一个always 模块内只能出现<=或=。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 module non_block(a,b,c,clk); output reg b,c; input a,clk; always @(posedge clk) begin b<=a; c<=b; end endmodule
1.8 case 类似于C中的switch语句。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 always @(cs_state) begin case (cs_state) 2 ’b00: next_state = 2 ’b01; 2 ’b01: next_state = 2 ’b00; 2 ’b10: next_state = 2 ’b10; default : next_state = 2 ’b00; endcase end
在设计电路时,一个很重要的原则是尽量少的出现锁存器 。锁存器具备下列三个缺点:
对毛刺敏感(使能信号有效时,输出状态可能随输入多次变化,产生空翻) ,不能异步复位,因此在上电后处于不确定的状态,这对于下一级电路是极其危险的。
锁存器会使静态时序分析变得非常复杂,不具备可重用性。 (首先, 锁存器没有时钟参与信号传递,无法做 STA;其次,综合工具会将 latch 优化掉,造成前后仿真结果不一致)
在 PLD 芯片中,基本的单元是由查找表和触发器组成的,若生成锁存器反而需要更多的资源。根据锁存器的特点可以看出,在电路设计中,要对锁存器特别谨慎,如果设计经过综合后产生出和设计意图不一致的锁存器,则将导致设计错误,包括仿真和综合。因此,在设计中需要避免产生意想不到的锁存器。
1.9 function 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 function [x:0 ] funcname; input a,b,cin; reg s,cout; begin s=a^b^cin; cout=(A&B) | (A&CIN) | (B&CIN); funcname={cout,s}; end endfunction
2 基本语法(不可综合Part) 2.1 initial 1 2 3 4 5 6 initial begin reg1=0 ; for (addr=0 ;addr<size;addr=addr+1 ) memory[addr]=0 ; end
2.2 forever&repeat&while while用法和C语言类似。
1 2 3 4 begin clk = 0 ; forever #10 clk = !clk;end
1 2 3 4 repeat (次数): begin ... end
2.3 task task主要用于调试,不可综合。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 module top; reg clk, a, b; DUT u1(out,a ,b, clk); always #5 clk=!clk; task neg_clocks; input [31 :0 ] number_of_edges; repeat (number_of_edges) @(negedge clk); endtask initial begin clk=0 ;a=1 ;b=1 ; neg_clocks(3 ); a=0 ; neg_clocks(5 ); b=0 ; end endmodule
2.4 系统任务和系统函数 2.4.1 标准输出任务 $display和$write在仿真执行时输出,区别是$write不会自动换行。$strobe在仿真结束时进行输出,自动换行。$monitor在信号列表中发生变化时进行输出,自动换行。
1 2 3 $display ("The binary value of A is: %b" , A);$write ("The register values are: " , Reg1, Reg2, Reg3, "\n" );$monitor ("x=%b,y=%b" ,x,y);
2.4.2 文件管理任务 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 module disp; integer handle1. handle2, handle3; initial begin handle1=$fopen ("file1.dat" ) handle2=$fopen ("file2.dat" ) handle3=$fopen ("file3.dat" ) $display ("%h %h %h" ,handle1, handle2, handle3); end endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 'timescale 10 ns/1 ns module test; reg set; reg [15 :0 ] memory[0 :7 ]
2.4.3 仿真控制任务 2.4.4 时间函数 2.4.5 时间显示函数 2.4.6 其他 2.5 testbench 2.5.1 #和‘ 1 2 'timescale 1 ns/1 ps #200
3 基本器件设计 3.1 选择器&分配器 3.1.1 MUX 2选1选择器
1 2 3 4 5 module mux2to1 (w0, w1, s, f); input w0, w1, s; output f; assign f = s ? w0 : w1; endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 module mux4to1 (w0, w1, w2, w3, s, f); input w0, w1, w2, w3; input [1 :0 ] s; output f; assign f = s[1 ] ? (s[0 ] ? w0 : w1) : (s[0 ] ? w2 : w3); endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 module mux4to1 (w, s, f); input [15 :0 ]w input [3 :0 ]s; output f; wire [3 :0 ] m; mux4to1 MUX0 (w[3 :0 ], s[1 :0 ], m[0 ]); mux4to1 MUX1 (w[7 :4 ], s[1 :0 ], m[1 ]); mux4to1 MUX2 (w[11 :8 ], s[1 :0 ], m[2 ]); mux4to1 MUX3 (w[15 :12 ], s[1 :0 ], m[3 ]); mux4to1 MUX4 (m[3 :0 ], s[3 :2 ], f); endmodule
3.1.2 交叉开关(Mux应用) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 module cross_switch(in0, in1, sel0, sel1, out0, out1); parameter WIDTH = 16 ; input [WIDTH:0 ] in0, in1; input sel0, sel1; output [WIDTH-1 :0 ] out0, out1; assign out0 = sel0 ? in1 : in0; assign out1 = sel1 ? in1 : in0; endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 module cross_switch(in0, in1, sel0, sel1, out0, out1); parameter WIDTH = 16 ; input [WIDTH:0 ] in0, in1, in2, in3; input [1 :0 ]sel0, sel1, sel2, sel3; output [WIDTH-1 :0 ] out0, out1, out2, out3; assign out0 = sel0[1 ] ? (sel0[0 ] ? out1 : out1) : (sel0[0 ] ? out2 : out3); assign out1 = sel1[1 ] ? (sel1[0 ] ? out1 : out1) : (sel1[0 ] ? out2 : out3); assign out1 = sel2[1 ] ? (sel2[0 ] ? out1 : out1) : (sel2[0 ] ? out2 : out3); assign out1 = sel3[1 ] ? (sel3[0 ] ? out1 : out1) : (sel3[0 ] ? out2 : out3); endmodule
3.1.3 DEMUX 1to4数据分配器
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 module dmux (y0, y1, y2, y3, din, sel); output y0, y1, y2, y3; input [1 :0 ] sel; input din; reg y0, y1, y2, y3; always @ (din, sel) begin y0 = 0 ; y1 = 0 ; y2 = 0 ; y3 = 0 ; case (sel[1 :0 ]) 2 ’b00: y0 = din; 2 ’b01: y1 = din; 2 ’b10: y2 = din; 2 ’b11: y3 = din; default :; endcase end endmodule
3.2 编码器&解码器 3.2.1 普通编码器 4to2编码器
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 module encoder4_2(q, d); input [3 :0 ] d; output [1 :0 ] q; reg [1 :0 ] q; always @(d) begin case (d) 4'b0001 : q<=2'b11 ; 4'b0010 : q<=2'b10 ; 4'b0100 : q<=2'b01 ; 4'b1000 : q<=2'b00 ; default : q<=2'bxx ; endcase end endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 module encoder8_3(i, y); input [7 :0 ] i; output [2 :0 ] y; reg [2 :0 ] y; always @ (i) begin case (i[7 :0 ]) 8 ’b00000001: y[2 :0 ] = 3'b000 ; 8 ’b00000010: y[2 :0 ] = 3'b001 ; 8 ’b00000100: y[2 :0 ] = 3'b010 ; 8 ’b00001000: y[2 :0 ] = 3'b011 ; 8 ’b00010000: y[2 :0 ] = 3'b100 ; 8 ’b00100000: y[2 :0 ] = 3'b101 ; 8 ’b01000000: y[2 :0 ] = 3'b110 ; 8 ’b10000000: y[2 :0 ] = 3'b111 ; default : y[2 :0 ] = 3'bxxx ; endcase end endmodule
3.2.2 优先编码器 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 module priority_encoder(w, y, z); input [3 :0 ]w; output reg [1 :0 ] Y; output reg z; always @ (w) begin z = 1 ; casex (w) 4'b1xxx : y = 3 ; 4'b01xx : y = 2 ; 4'b001x : y = 1 ; 4'b0001 : y = 0 ; default : begin z = 0 ; y = 2'bxx ; end endcase end endmodule
3.3 ALU74381 ALU(算术逻辑单元)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 module ALU(s, a, b, f); input [2 :0 ] s; input [3 :0 ] a, b; output reg [3 :0 ] f; always @ (s, a, b) begin case (s) 0 : f = 4'b0000 ; 1 : f = b - a; 2 : f = a - b; 3 : f = a + b; 4 : f = a ^ b; 5 : f = a | b; 6 : f = a & b; 7 : f = 4'b1111 ; default : f = 4 '0000 ; endcase end endmodule
3.4 数值比较器 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 module comparator (y1, y2, y3, a, b); output y1, y2, y3; input [3 :0 ] a, b; reg y1, y2, y3; always @ (a, b) begin if (a > b) begin y1 = 1 ; y2 = 0 ; y3 = 0 ; end else if (a == b) begin y1 = 0 ; y2 = 1 ; y3 = 0 ; end else begin y1 = 0 ; y2 = 0 ; y3 = 1 ; end end endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 module comp(CLK,RST,A,B,AGTB,ALTB,AEQB); input CLK,RST; input [1 :0 ] A,B; output AGTB,ALTB,AEQB; reg AGTB,ALTB,AEQB; always @(posedge CLK or negedge RST) begin if (!RST) begin AGTB<=0 ; AEQB<=0 ; ALTB<=0 ; end else begin if (A>B) begin AGTB<=1 ; AEQB<=0 ; ALTB<=0 ; end else if (A==B) begin AGTB<=0 ; AEQB<=1 ; ALTB<=0 ; end else begin AGTB<=0 ; AEQB<=0 ; ALTB<=1 ; end end end endmodule
3.5 加法器 3.5.1 半加器 若不考虑有来自低位的进位,将两个1 位二进制数相加,称为半加。实现半加运算的电路叫做半加器。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 module half_add1(input a,b,output cout,sum); xor (sum,a,b); and (cout,a,b); endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 module half_add (sum, cout, a, b); output sum, cout; input a, b; assign cout = a & b; assign sum = a ^ b; endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 module half_add (sum, cout, a, b); output sum, cout; input a, b; reg sum,cout; always @ (a, b) begin sum = a ^ b; cout = a & b; end endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 module half_add (sum, cout, a, b); output sum, cout; input a, b; reg [2 :0 ] sum,cout; always @ (a, b) begin case [{a, b}] 2 ’b00: begin cout = 0 , sum = 0 ;end 2 ’b01: begin cout = 0 , sum = 1 ;end 2 ’b10: begin cout = 0 , sum = 1 ;end 2 ’b11: begin cout = 1 , sum = 0 ;end endcase end endmodule
3.5.2 全加器 全加器其实就是考虑到进位的加法器。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 module ful_adder(cout,sum,a,b,cin); input a,b; input cin; output reg sum, cout; always @(a or b or cin) {cout, sum} = a+b+cin; endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 module add1 (cin, sum, cout, a, b); output sum, cout; input a, b; assign cout = (a & b)|(a & cin)|(cin & b); assign sum = a ^ b ^ cin; endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 module add1 (cin, sum, cout, a, b); output sum, cout; input a, b, cin; reg sum,cout; always @ (a, b, cin) begin sum = (a ^ b) ^ c; cout = (a & b)|(a & cin)|(cin & b); end endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 module add1 (cin, sum, cout, a, b); output sum, cout; input a, b; reg cout, m1, m2, m3; wire s1; xor (s1, a, b); always @ (a, b, cin) begin m1 = a & b; m2 = a & cin; m3 = cin & b; cout = (m1 | m2) | m3; end assign sum = s1 ^ cin; endmodule
3.5.3 多位加法器 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 module full_add (cin, sum, cout, a, b); parameter add_size = 4 ; output cout; output [add_size -1 :0 ] sum; input [add_size -1 :0 ] a, b; input cin; assign {cout, sum} = a + b + cin; endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 module add4 (cin, sum, cout, a, b); output [3 :0 ] sum; output cout; input [3 :0 ] a, b; input cin; wire c1, c2, c3; add1 f0(cin, sum[0 ], c1, a[0 ], b[0 ]); add1 f1(c1, sum[0 ], c2, a[1 ], b[1 ]); add1 f2(c2, sum[0 ], c3, a[2 ], b[2 ]); add1 f3(c3, sum[0 ], cout, a[3 ], b[3 ]); endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 module add4 (cin, sum, cout, a, b); output [3 :0 ] sum; output cout; input [3 :0 ] a, b; input cin; reg cout; reg [3 :0 ] sum; always @ (*) begin {cout, sum} = a + b + cin; end endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 module fulladd4(sum, c_out, a, b, cin); output [3 :0 ] sum; output c_out; input [3 :0 ] a, b; input cin; wire p0, g0, p1, g1, p2, g2, p3, g3; wire c4, c3, c2, c1; assign p0 = a[0 ] ^ b[0 ], p1 = a[1 ] ^ b[1 ], p2 = a[2 ] ^ b[2 ], p3 = a[3 ] ^ b[3 ]; assign g0 = a[0 ] & b[0 ], g1 = a[0 ] & b[1 ], g2 = a[0 ] & b[2 ], g3 = a[0 ] & b[3 ]; assign c1 = g0 | (p0 & cin), c2 = g1 | (p1 & c1), c3 = g2 | (p2 & c2), c4 = g3 | (p3 & c2); assign sum[0 ] = p0 ^ cin, sum[1 ] = p1 ^ c1, sum[2 ] = p2 ^ c2, sum[3 ] = p3 ^ c3; assign cout = c4; endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 module adder8pip(cout,sum,cin,ina,inb,clk); input cin,clk; input [7 :0 ] ina,inb; output reg cout; output reg [7 :0 ] sum; reg firstco,secondco,thirdco; reg [1 :0 ] firstsum,thirdina,thirdinb; reg [3 :0 ] secondsum,secondina,secondinb; reg [5 :0 ] thirdsum,firstina,firstinb; always @ (posedge clk) begin {firstco,firstsum} <= ina[1 :0 ]+inb[1 :0 ]+cin; firstina <= ina[7 :2 ];firstinb <= inb[7 :2 ]; end always @ (posedge clk) begin secondsum[1 :0 ] <= firstsum; {secondco,secondsum[3 :2 ]} <= firstina[1 :0 ]+firstinb[1 :0 ]+firstco; secondina <= firstina[5 :2 ];secondinb <= firstinb[5 :2 ]; end always @ (posedge clk) begin thirdsum[3 :0 ] <= secondsum; {thirdco,thirdsum[5 :4 ]} <= secondina[1 :0 ]+secondinb[1 :0 ]+secondco; thirdina <= secondina[3 :2 ];thirdinb <= secondinb[3 :2 ]; end always @ (posedge clk) begin sum[5 :0 ] <= thirdsum; {cout,sum[7 :6 ]} <= thirdina[1 :0 ]+thirdinb[1 :0 ]+thirdco; end endmodule
3.6 减法器 3.6.1 半减器 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 module half_sub (dout, cout, a, b); output dout, cout; input a, b; reg dout, cout; always @ (a, b) begin dout = a ^ b; cout = (~a) & b; end endmodule
3.6.2 全减器 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 module sub1 (cin, dout, cout, a, b); output dout, cout; input a, b; reg dout, cout; always @ (a, b) begin {cout, dout} = a – b – cin; end endmodule
3.6.3 多位减法器 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 module sub4 (cin, dout, cout, a, b); output [3 :0 ] dout; output cout; input [3 :0 ] a, b; input cin; reg [3 ;0 ] dout, reg cout; always @ (a, b) begin {cout, dout} = a – b – cin; end endmodule
3.7 锁存器 锁存器(latch):对脉冲电平敏感,在时钟脉冲的电平作用下改变状态
3.8 触发器 触发器(Flip-Flop,简写为 FF):对脉冲边沿敏感,其状态只在时钟脉冲的上升沿或下降沿的瞬间改变
3.8.1 D触发器 基本D触发器
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 module async_rddf(clk, d,q,qb); input clk, d; output reg q,qb; always @(posedge clk) begin q<=d; qb<=~d; end endmodule
同步复位的 D 触发器
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 module sync_rddf(clk,reset,d,q,qb); input clk,reset,d; output reg q,qb; always @(posedge clk) begin if (!reset) begin q<=0 ; qb<=1 ; end else begin q<=d; qb<=~d; end end endmodule
异步复位的 D 触发器
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 module async_rddf(clk,reset,d,q,qb); input clk,reset,d; output q,qb; reg q,qb; always @(posedge clk or negedge reset) begin if (!reset) begin q<=0 ; qb<=1 ; end else begin q<=d; qb<=~d; end end endmodule
同步置位/复位的 D 触发器
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 module sync_rsddf(clk,reset,set,d,q,qb); input clk,reset,set; input d; output q,qb; reg q,qb; always @(posedge clk) begin if (!set && reset) begin q<=1 ; qb<=0 ; end else if (set && !reset) begin q<=0 ; qb<=1 ; end else begin q<=d; qb<=~d; end end endmodule
异步置位/复位的 D 触发器
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 module async_rsddf(clk,reset,set,d,q,qb); input clk,reset,set; input d; output q,qb; reg q,qb; always @(posedge clk or negedge set or negedge reset) begin if (!set && reset) begin q<=1 ; qb<=0 ; end else if (set && !reset) begin q<=0 ; qb<=1 ; end else begin q<=d; qb<=~d; end end endmodule
3.8.2 JK触发器 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 module syn_jk_ff(clk, rst_n, set_n, j, k, q ); input clk; input rst_n; input set_n; input j; input k; output reg q; always @(posedge clk) begin if (!rst_n) q <= 1'b0 ; else if (!set_n) q <= 1'b1 ; else begin case ({j,k}) 2'b00 : q <= q; 2'b01 : q <= 0 ; 2'b10 : q <= 1 ; default : q <= ~q; endcase end end endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 module asyn_jk_ff(clk, rst_n, set_n, j, k, q ); input clk; input rst_n; input set_n; input j; input k; output reg q; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n or negedge set_n) begin if (!rst_n) q <= 1'b0 ; else if (!set_n) q <= 1'b1 ; else begin case ({j,k}) 2'b00 : q <= q; 2'b01 : q <= 0 ; 2'b10 : q <= 1 ; default : q <= ~q; endcase end end endmodule
3.8.3 T触发器 T触发器,带有同步复位信号
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 module syn_t_trigger(clk,t,rst,q); input clk, t, rst; output reg q, qn; always @(posedge clk) begin if (!rst) q <= 0 ; qn <= 0 ; else if (t == 1 ) q <= ~q; qn <= ~qn; else q <= q; qn <= qn; end endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 module asyn_t_trigger(clk,t,rst,q); input clk, t, rst; output reg q, qn; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin if (!rst) q <= 0 ; qn <= 0 ; else if (t == 1 ) q <= ~q; qn <= ~qn; else q <= q; qn <= qn; end endmodule
3.8.4 SR触发器 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 module SY_RS_FF ( R, S, CLK, Q, QB ); input R, S, CLK; output Q, QB; reg Q; assign QB = ~Q; always @( posedge CLK ) case ({ R, S }) 1 : Q <= 1 ; 2 : Q <= 0 ; 3 : Q <= 1'bx ; endcase endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 module R_SY_D_FF ( RB, D, CLK, Q, QB ); input RB, D, CLK; output Q, QB ; reg Q; assign QB = ~Q; always @( posedge CLK or negedge RB ) Q <= ( !RB )? 0 : D; endmodule
3.9 寄存器 通常由触发器构成寄存器,把多个D触发器的时钟端连接起来就可以构成一个存储多位二进制代码的寄存器。
3.9.1 普通寄存器 1 2 3 4 module Register (input [3 :0 ] D, input Clk, output reg [3 :0 ] Q); always @(posedge Clk) Q <= D; endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 module reg8 (reset, CLK, D, Q); input reset; input CLK; input [7 :0 ] D; output reg [7 :0 ] Q; always @(posedge CLK) if (reset) Q <= 0 ; else Q <= D; endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 module regN (reset, CLK, D, Q); input reset; input CLK; parameter N = 8 ; input [N-1 :0 ] D; output [N-1 :0 ] Q; reg [N-1 :0 ] Q; always @(posedge CLK or posedge reset) if (reset) Q <= 0 ; else if (CLK == 1 ) Q <= D; endmodule
3.9.2 移位寄存器 右移
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 module register_right(clk, din, dout); input clk; input din; reg [15 :0 ] d; output dout; always @(posedge clk) begin d <= {din, d[15 :1 ]}; dout <= d[0 ]; end endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 module register_left(clk, din, dout); input clk; input din; output reg [15 :0 ] dout; always @(posedge clk) dout <= {din[14 :0 ], din}; endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 module left_shifter_reg(clk, din, dout); input clk; input din; output [7 :0 ] dout; wire [7 :0 ] dout; reg [7 :0 ] qtemp; always @(posedge clk) qtemp <= {qtemp[6 :0 ], din}; assign dout = qtemp; endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 module right_shifter_reg(clk, en, din, dout); input [7 :0 ] din; input en,clk; output reg dout; reg [7 :0 ] qtemp; always @(posedge clk) if (en == 1 ) qtemp <= din; else begin dout <= qtemp[0 ]; qtemp <= {qtemp[0 ], qtemp[7 :1 ]}; end endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 module right_shifter_reg(clk, en, din, dout); input [7 :0 ] din; input en,clk; output reg [7 :0 ] dout; reg [7 :0 ] qtemp; always @(posedge clk) if (en == 1 ) begin dout <= 0 b'zzzzzzzz; qtemp <= din; end else begin dout <= qtemp; qtemp <= 0 b'xxxxxxxx; end endmodule
4 中级器件设计 4.1 计数器 计数器的逻辑功能是用与记忆时钟脉冲的具体个数,通常计数器最多能记忆时钟的最大数目m 称为计数器的模 。基本原理是将几个触发器按照一定的顺序连接起来,然后根据触发器的组合状态,按照一定的技术规律随着时钟脉冲变化来记忆时钟脉冲的个数。
按照计数方向分为加法,减法和可逆计数器 。
按照其中触发器是否与时钟同步又分为同步计数器 和异步计数器 。
4.1.1 同步计数器 同步4位计数
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 module cnt16 (cout, q, clk, clr, load, en, d); output [3 :0 ] q; output cout; input clk, clr, load, en; input [3 :0 ] d; reg [3 :0 ] q; reg cout; always @ (posedge clk) begin if (clr) begin q <= 0 ; end else if (load) begin q <= d; end else if (en) begin q <= q + 1 ; if (q == 4 ’b1111) begin cout <= 1 ; end else begin cout <= 0 ; end end else begin q <= q; end end endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 module cnt24 (ten, one, cout, clk, clr); output [3 :0 ] ten, one; output cout; input clk, clr; reg [3 ;0 ] ten, one; reg cout; always @ (posedge clk) begin if (clr) begin ten <= 0 ; one <= 0 ; end else begin if ({ten, one}) == 8 ’b0010_0011) begin ten <= 0 ; one <= 0 ; cout <= 1 ; end else if (one==4 ’b1001) begin one <= 0 ; ten<=ten+1 ; cout <= 0 ; end else begin one <= one + 1 ; cout <=0 ; end end end endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 module count60(qout, cout, data, load, cin, reset, clk); output [7 :0 ] qout; output cout; input [7 :0 ] data; input load, cin, clk, reset; reg [7 :0 ] qout; always @ (posedge clk) begin if (reset) qout <= 0 ; else if (load) qout <= data; else if (cin) begin if (qout[3 :0 ] == 9 ) begin qout[3 :0 ] <= 0 ; if (qout[7 :4 ] == 5 ) qout[7 :4 ] <= 0 ; else qout[7 :4 ] <= qout[7 :4 ]+1 ; end else qout[3 :0 ] <= qout[3 :0 ]+1 ; end end assign cout = ((qout == 8 ’h59)&cin)?1 :0 ; endmodule
4.1.2 异步计数器 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 module asyn_cnt4(q, clk, rst); output [3 :0 ] q; input clk, rst; reg [3 :0 ] q; reg [3 :0 ] qn; always @ (posedge clk) begin if (!rst) begin q[0 ] = 0 ; qn[0 ] = 1 ; end else begin q[0 ] = ~q[0 ]; qn[0 ] =~q[0 ]; end end always @ (posedge qn[0 ]) begin if (!rst) begin q[1 ] = 0 ; qn[1 ] = 1 ; end else begin q[1 ] = ~q[1 ]; qn[1 ] =~q[1 ]; end end always @ (posedge qn[1 ]) begin if (!rst) begin q[2 ] = 0 ; qn[2 ] = 1 ; end else begin q[2 ] = ~q[2 ]; qn[2 ] =~q[2 ]; end end always @ (posedge qn[2 ]) begin if (!rst) begin q[3 ] = 0 ; qn[3 ] = 1 ; end else begin q[3 ] = ~q[3 ]; qn[3 ] =~q[3 ]; end end endmodule
4.1.3 可变模计数器 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 module cnt(q, clk, clr, load, m); output [6 :0 ] q; input clk, clr, load; input [6 :0 ] m; reg [6 :0 ] q; reg [6 :0 ] md; always @ (posedge clk) begin md <= m-1 ; if (!clr) q <= 0 ; else begin if (load) q <= md; else begin if (q == md) q <= 0 ; else q <= q + 1 ; end end end endmodule
4.2 分频器 4.2.1 偶分频器 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 module clk_div #( parameter WIDTH = 3 , parameter N = 6 ) (clk,reset, clk_out); input clk; input reset; output clk_out; reg [WIDTH-1 :0 ] r_reg; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset)begin if (reset) begin r_reg <= 0 ; clk_out <= 1'b0 ; end else if (r_nxt == N) begin r_reg <= 0 ; clk_out <= ~clk_out; end else r_reg <= r_reg + 1 ; end endmodule
4.2.2 奇分频器 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 module clk_divn #(parameter WIDTH = 3 ,parameter N = 5 )(clk,reset, clk_out); input clk; input reset; output clk_out; reg [WIDTH-1 :0 ] pos_count, neg_count; always @(posedge clk) if (reset) pos_count <=0 ; else if (pos_count ==N-1 ) pos_count <= 0 ; else pos_count<= pos_count +1 ; always @(negedge clk) if (reset) neg_count <=0 ; else if (neg_count ==N-1 ) neg_count <= 0 ; else neg_count<= neg_count +1 ; assign clk_out = ((pos_count > (N>>1 )) | (neg_count > (N>>1 ))); endmodule
4.3 RAM 4.3.1 单端口RAM 带同步和异步两种功能
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 module SinglePortRAM( clk , address , data_in , cs , we , oe , data ); input clk, cs, we, oe, address; input [7 :0 ] data_in; output [7 :0 ] data; reg [7 :0 ] data_temp_0; reg [7 :0 ] data_temp_1; reg [7 :0 ] mem [0 :1 ]; assign data = (cs) ? ((oe && !we) ? data_temp_1 : 8'bzzzzzzzz ) : ((oe && !we) ? data_temp_0 : 8'bzzzzzzzz ); always @ (posedge clk) begin if (we) mem[address] <= data_in; else mem[address] <= mem[address]; end always @ (posedge clk) begin if (!cs && !we && oe) data_temp_0 <= mem[address]; else data_temp_0 <= data_temp_0; end always @ (address or cs or we or oe) begin if (cs && !we && oe) data_temp_1 = mem[address]; else data_temp_1 = data_temp_1; end endmodule
4.3.2 双端口RAM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 module double_port_RAM( input clk, input [7 :0 ]address_0, inout [7 :0 ]data_0, input cs_0, input we_0, input oe_0, input [7 :0 ]address_1, inout [7 :0 ]data_1, input cs_1, input we_1, input oe_1 ); reg [7 :0 ] data_temp_0; reg [7 :0 ] data_temp_1; reg [7 :0 ] adata_temp_0; reg [7 :0 ] adata_temp_1; reg [7 :0 ] mem[0 : 1 << 8 - 1 ]; assign data_0 = (cs_0) ? ((oe_0 && !we_0) ? adata_temp_0 : 8'bzzzzzzzz ) : ((oe_0 && !we_0) ? data_temp_0 : 8'bzzzzzzzz ); assign data_1 = (cs_1) ? ((oe_1 && !we_1) ? adata_temp_1 : 8'bzzzzzzzz ) : ((oe_1 && !we_1) ? data_temp_1 : 8'bzzzzzzzz ); always @(posedge clk) begin if (we_0) mem[address_0] <= data_0; else if (we_1) mem[address_1] <= data_1; end always @(posedge clk)begin if (!cs_0 && !we_0 && oe_0) data_temp_0 <= mem[address_0]; else data_temp_0 <= 0 ; end always @(posedge clk)begin if (!cs_1 && !we_1 && oe_1) data_temp_1 <= mem[address_1]; else data_temp_1 <= 0 ; end always @(address_0 or cs_0 or we_0 or oe_0)begin if (cs_0 && !we_0 && oe_0) adata_temp_0 = mem[address_0]; else adata_temp_0 = 0 ; end always @(address_1 or cs_1 or we_1 or oe_1)begin if (cs_1 && !we_1 && oe_1) adata_temp_1 = mem[address_1]; else adata_temp_1 = 0 ; end endmodule
4.3.3 FIFO FIFO(First In First Out)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 module double_port_RAM( input clk, input [7 :0 ]address_0, inout [7 :0 ]data_0, input cs_0, input we_0, input oe_0, input [7 :0 ]address_1, inout [7 :0 ]data_1, input cs_1, input we_1, input oe_1 ); reg [7 :0 ] data_temp_0; reg [7 :0 ] data_temp_1; reg [7 :0 ] adata_temp_0; reg [7 :0 ] adata_temp_1; reg [7 :0 ] mem[0 : 1 << 8 - 1 ]; assign data_0 = (cs_0) ? ((oe_0 && !we_0) ? adata_temp_0 : 8'bzzzzzzzz ) : ((oe_0 && !we_0) ? data_temp_0 : 8'bzzzzzzzz ); assign data_1 = (cs_1) ? ((oe_1 && !we_1) ? adata_temp_1 : 8'bzzzzzzzz ) : ((oe_1 && !we_1) ? data_temp_1 : 8'bzzzzzzzz ); always @(posedge clk) begin if (we_0) mem[address_0] <= data_0; else if (we_1) mem[address_1] <= data_1; end always @(posedge clk)begin if (!cs_0 && !we_0 && oe_0) data_temp_0 <= mem[address_0]; else data_temp_0 <= 0 ; end always @(posedge clk)begin if (!cs_1 && !we_1 && oe_1) data_temp_1 <= mem[address_1]; else data_temp_1 <= 0 ; end always @(address_0 or cs_0 or we_0 or oe_0)begin if (cs_0 && !we_0 && oe_0) adata_temp_0 = mem[address_0]; else adata_temp_0 = 0 ; end always @(address_1 or cs_1 or we_1 or oe_1)begin if (cs_1 && !we_1 && oe_1) adata_temp_1 = mem[address_1]; else adata_temp_1 = 0 ; end endmodule
4.4 有限状态机 4.4.1 Moore型&Mealy型
4.4.2 有限状态机的设计
4.4.3 有限状态机的verilog设计流程 以10010序列检测机为例。
定义输入输出端口,并用parameter 类型定义各个状态。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 module moorefsm(clk,rst,a,z); input clk,rst; input a; output z; reg z; reg [3 :0 ] currentstate, nextstate; parameter S0 = 4'b0000 ; parameter S1 = 4'b0001 ; parameter S2 = 4'b0010 ; parameter S3 = 4'b0011 ; parameter S4 = 4'b0100 ; parameter S5 = 4'b0101 ;
用两个reg 变量定义当前状态state和下一个状态state_next,然后用单独的一个always语句块完成状态转移,使用时序逻辑驱动。
1 2 3 4 5 6 always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin if (!rst) currentstate <= S0; else currentstate <= nextstate; end
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 always @(currentstate or a or rst) begin if (!rst) nextstate = S0; else case (currentstate) S0: nextstate = (a==1 )?S1:S0; S1: nextstate = (a==0 )?S2:S1; S2: nextstate = (a==0 )?S3:S1; S3: nextstate = (a==1 )?S4:S0; S4: nextstate = (a==0 )?S5:S1; S5: nextstate = (a==0 )?S3:S1; default : nextstate = S0; endcase end
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 always @(rst or currentstate) begin if (!rst) z = 0 ; else case (currentstate) S0: z = 0 ; S1: z = 0 ; S2: z = 0 ; S3: z = 0 ; S4: z = 0 ; S5: z = 1 ; default : z = 0 ; endcase end endmodule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 module mealyfsm(clk, rst, a, z); input clk; input rst; input a; output reg z; reg [3 :0 ] state, state_next; parameter S0 = 4'b0000 ; parameter S1 = 4'b0001 ; parameter S2 = 4'b0010 ; parameter S3 = 4'b0011 ; parameter S4 = 4'b0100 ; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin if (!rst) state <= S0; else state <= state_next; end always @(state or a or rst) begin if (!rst) state_next = S0; else case (state) S0: state_next = (a == 1 )? S1 : S0; S1: state_next = (a == 0 )? S2 : S1; S2: state_next = (a == 0 )? S3 : S1; S3: state_next = (a == 1 )? S4 : S0; S4: state_next = (a == 0 )? S2 : S0; default :state_next = S0; endcase end always @(a or rst or state or state_next) begin if (!rst) z = 0 ; else case (state) S0: z = 0 ; S1: z = 0 ; S2: z = 0 ; S3: z = 0 ; S4: z = a == 0 ? 1 : 0 ; default :z = 0 ; endcase end endmodule
5 分析与设计 5.1 组合逻辑分析 5.1.1 分析步骤
5.1.2 设计步骤
1. 分析因果关系,确定输入输出变量。
2. 定义逻辑状态含义
3. 根据因果关系列出真值表
5.1.3 竞争与冒险 竞争 :当一个逻辑门的两个输入端信号同时向相反方向变化,而变化的时间有差异。冒险 :两个输入端信号取值的变化方向是相反时,如门电路输出端的逻辑表达式简化成两个互补信号相乘或相加,由竞争而可能产生输出干扰脉冲的现象。 由于竞争而在电路输出端可能产生尖峰脉冲的现象叫做竞争-冒险 。消除办法 : 一、接入滤波电容。优点 :简单。缺点 :增加了波形的上升和下降时间,波形变坏。 二、引入选通脉冲。优点 :简单。缺点 :正常的输出信号也会变成脉冲信号,宽度与选通脉冲相同,且此选通脉冲必须与输入信号同步。 三、修改设计(废话)。比如把$Y = AB + \overline{A}C$化成$Y = AB + \overline{A}C + BC$。